(Looking back on it now, I can see how it happened and laugh. But the shock on my face when I realized I was holding a deep fear of embarrassing myself in front of all of these individuals.)

I found Michelle through a YouTube spiral while I was editing one day. She had a 10-minute breathwork meditation video. I had been doing meditation for a year at this point, off and on - when it happened it did. But I hadn’t ever done Breathwork, and I am a curious human. I learned the breathing pattern - inhale twice, through the mouth, once into the belly, once into the chest, and let the air deflate out of me. Keep it circular, keep it going. This 10-minute mediation had me sobbing by the end of it. I wish I could remember exactly what came up, what I released. But it was powerful. I was hooked. 

SEEN was a 4-week creative expression workshop with the intention to honor your soul. Each of the four weeks there was a theme to focus on, talk about, write about, and share with the group.

Week One: Permission to Desire

Week Two: A Reimagined Childhood

Week Three: Reclaiming Missed Moments

Week Four: Living Your Desires

Each week brought its own set of resistance, painful emotions, and vulnerability to both share and listen to what others’ hearts were aching to have heard. I had been yearning for this type of community for months, as I had been deep in my healing journey. (Those on a similar journey know there are parts of it that are deeply lonely.)

Signing off on that last session brought me both immediate grief and immediate joy. I had completed this workshop that was directly in line with everything I have been working towards and learning - and now it was over.

And with that, here I am writing my second blog post. Aching to be seen in a community sense once again.

Looking forward to continuing to hold space for what I wish to share, and I invite you to follow along with me.


Here are some affirmations that have been helpful for me throughout April & May 2022:

  • I know my needs better than anymore else.
  • I know myself better than anyone else.
  • I don’t need to be perfect to be loved.
  • I am aligning with who I am, who I’ve always been.
  • What I want to share means something and the deep desire to share is a calling.
  • I am uniquely me, and that is a gift.
  • & because of that - my purpose is to be me.

End of Blog Song Recommendation:

“Be Gentle” by Danielle Ponder