I am so excited that you’ve made it to this page, and that you have something exciting building within you. Now you want it to be documented forever - let's chat details! I offer a variety of portrait sessions. Ranging from the stages of parenthood to creative individual portraits to graduating seniors!! Please fill out the contact form, and share whatever you’ve got in mind. I am honored to capture the milestones in my clients’ lives. New businesses to new babies, I’m excited for your moments.

Full portrait sessions are $500. Each session includes up to 60 minutes of shoot time, one location, and up to two outfits if you choose to change. I typically provide previews within 72 hours, and I deliver all edited images via an online gallery 4-6 weeks after your session. You will receive printing rights if you have a preferred lab, as well as the opportunity to print via an affordable professional lab on my website. *Travel fees apply if applicable.

$250 - 20 minute mini sessions are available a few times a year on specific dates!

Let me know if you'd like to be on an email list for more info during those times.

You deserved to be celebrated,

as you are.


creative portraits


creative portraits


Whether you are in the midst of creating a new business or just want to document this chapter of your life— there’s always a reason to celebrate you and what you’ve been up to. Let’s collaborate on a way to highlight where you are right now.


evolving love


evolving love

Your love deserves to be seen and documented - continuously. From fun summer dates, a surprise proposal, your 50th anniversary, and wherever you & your love(s) happen to be— I am here to showcase the depth of it all.


feelin' ya self


feelin' ya self

There are elements of gentleness, ferocity, & coming home amid a boudoir session. Boudoir should feel like stepping into Self versus putting on a show. Let's find pockets of who you are scattered around your home as you immerse yourself in your own magic.


let's relax during this part...


let's relax during this part...

New families, Chosen families, Extended families - it's all about your community. Why not gather around a fire, run around your home, or your favorite lake? Show me how you show up in these spaces. (Oh, & I let the kids run the show!)





First off— congratulations! If you needed a sign to celebrate you— you’ve got it. After all of your hard work & dedication, let’s capture your joy, excitement, & accomplishments with a graduate session.


part of the fam too


part of the fam too

You're welcome (& highly encouraged!) to bring the fur-fam to your photo sessions! If you would like to document your pets that aren’t able to come out & play, let’s stay in their comfort zone with an in-home session to ensure everyone gets their light.